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【眼神透露了一切‼️】Iron Man女儿在学校遭霸凌 ⚡️拍片求饶『我只有7岁』心声逼哭网友‼️ (内有影片)


小童星Lexi Rabe在《Avengers4:End Game》饰演钢铁人的女儿「Morgan Stark」让人留下深刻印象,她的一句「I love you 3000」也成为该片经典台词之一。



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I hate that we even have to post this. But yet again Lexi’s getting bullied. And this kind of thing makes it celebrities never want to leave the house never want to meet people. Please keep your opinions to yourself so Lexi can grow up in the free world. She’s a normal human being and she’s a child. We give her a talking and we give her timeouts but we don’t do that in public. Sometimes were rushing from place to place stressed like everyone else to get to set on time or work or whatever and we seem a little grumpy. I’m sorry if you see us this way but that’s life! If you ask us for an autograph we always almost say yes. If we happen to be having a bad day that might put us right on the right! We are not perfect! These perfect children are not being given the freedoms and the rights that they should. If your child is so scared to be themselves in public and mess up a little then you’re over parenting. We give our children plenty of rules and boundaries But then give them the freedoms to mess up and learn from their own mistakes. They would not be on set an on movies if they weren’t well behaved. Trust me they have no desire to hire kids like that! And there were plenty of children that productions can work with. So if you see us in public and think you have the right to judge. Wait. Number one until you have children of your own, and Number two realize that we’re not perfect and we’re not claiming to be! But just try to realize the different strokes for different folks what you do with your kids may work for you and what I do with my kids works well for me. My children love me and respect me even if they act out sometimes. Thank you! Jessica!

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该段影片是由Lexi Rabe的妈妈洁西卡(Jessica)代为上传,洁西卡还特别写下长文,称自己在受迫的情况下,才会出此下策,拍摄影片要大家停止霸凌女儿,虽然她在文中并未说明明确的霸凌行为,不过文中不断强调女儿只是个7岁的小女孩,自己一家人也并非完美,女儿如果做错事,他们身为父母的也会惩罚也会教育,但平常如果并非太过分的话,他们更倾向于让女儿可以自己探索,自由发挥,享受童年生活。

洁西卡在发文中也指出,通常外出时如果遇到粉丝要求签名,在多数的情况下,他们都会答应,「但是每个人都有忙碌的时候,或是心情、状态不好的时刻,如果我们刚好那天心情不太好,我们也有拒绝的权利!我们都不是完美的!」她认为一个小孩害怕去面对大众,也无法在大庭广众之下,做回一个小孩,那才是最可怕的,因此洁西卡强调,自己会管教女儿,但是也会给他们机会去从错误、搞砸事情中学习,要大家不要再攻击Lexi Rabe,让女儿可以开心做自己。

Lexi Rabe也在影片中亲自告白,称自己只是个7岁小孩,偶尔会做错事,也会搞砸一些事,而爸妈也会惩罚她或是禁止她外出玩耍,「如果我去某个地方表现得不太好,或是有点沮丧,我只有7岁,拜託不用攻击我的家人或是我。」随后还乖巧地送上飞吻:「爱你3000遍!」影片PO出后,不少网友都感到非常心疼,也纷纷转发并呼吁大家不要为难一个7岁的小女孩。


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